Refund and Returns Policy

We only accept exchanges of Leads or Signed Retainers if the Lead or Signed Retainer delivered to Customer is an Invalid Lead or an Invalid Signed Retainer.  An “Invalid Lead” shall be those Leads identified by the Customer that have one of the following characteristics:

  • Lead received has fake contact information;
  • Phone call received is a misdial or a fax call;
  • Lead is received from a competitor, sales, marketing or some other entity not looking for specific services provided by the Customer;
  • Lead received is outside the scope of the agreed upon lead types (Leads aren’t interested in Legal services);
  • Duplicate Leads or Repeat callers.


An “Invalid Signed Retainer” shall be those Signed Retainers identified by the Customer that have one of the following characteristics:

  • Signed Retainer has fake contact information;
  • Signed Retainer is received from a competitor, sales, marketing or some other entity not looking for specific services provided by the Customer;
  • Signed Retainer received is outside the scope of the agreed upon lead types (Leads aren’t interested in Legal services);
  • The Signed Retainer is a duplicate.


We will provide a replacement Lead for each Invalid Lead or a replacement Signed Retainer for each Invalid Signed Retainer.  There are no refunds or exchanges for Leads that are not Invalid Leads or Signed Retainers that are not Signed Retainers.  Upon termination of the client agreement, we will fulfil any remaining Leads or Signed Retainers owed to you.